Plantscapes’ Interior Plant Care Program offers regular service by trained and certified horticultural technicians.
Plantscapes Interior Division has the best guarantee in the business: We will maintain your interiorscape so that it always looks like new. We want your plants to always look in top condition. Any plant that fails due to improper service will be replaced at no cost to you.
Regular Watering – Your technician will monitor plants to determine the amount and frequency of watering needed based on your specific environmental conditions.
Pruning and Trimming – The technician will remove old leaves that are turning yellow; leaves with brown tips will be trimmed.
Cleaning – Your technician will dust plants to ensure their continued health and beauty.
Fertilizing – Your trained technician will fertilize plants as needed to keep them green and growing.
Quality Assurance – Plantscapes’ supervisors will visit your account periodically to review the general appearance and health of your plants, and to discuss your satisfaction with our service.
Plant Replacements – We guarantee our maintenance service. Period – no questions asked.
Key Benefits of the Service
Our staff of Certified Interior Technicians attends conferences, classes, and trade shows – always with an eye to finding exciting new plants for our clients’ interiorscapes. You’d never settle for just dropping a pot in a corner and calling it “Good enough” – and neither will we.
Bromeliads and orchids add eye-catching accents
Short term rentals for key events
All plant sizes from tabletop to specimen plants
Container colors and materials to compliment any decor
Supervisors will discuss your satisfaction with our service.